Saturday night our church had the "kickoff" for supper club. From what I learned, supper club is a time to get to know people within the church that you might not ordinarily get the chance to interact with. Groups are supposed to be shuffled every 6 months or so. There are three kinds of groups. Groups that meet at each others houses, groups that meet at each others houses and add games to the mix, and groups that meet at restaurants. Tonight everyone got together and had dinner before we are broken up into smaller groups.
Everyone just gathered in the "big room" as we call it, mingled, got to know one another, ate, and had a wonderful time. It was exciting to see people gathered together, chatting, laughing, just having fun.
John is very extroverted [Husband edit: I can't help it that people find me likeable]. He loves people, he loves talking to people, he loves being around big groups of people. Truthfully I don't think I have ever seen the man shy or any kind of situation that he would call uncomfortable. Somehow no matter how big or small the crowd is, my husband just floats in the room. I can't imagine what a social setting would have to look like for him to be uncomfortable[Husband edit 2: Meeting Nathan Fillion]. I suppose it is one of the many gifts God gave him that will undoubtedly be helpful in being a pastor.
I, on the other hand, would call myself an introvert. I don't like large groups of people and in fact can be quite uncomfortable with large groups, especially when in tighter places. I did great during a train situation on Saturday but that is a story for a different time. I prefer my groups small. I am not a fan of loud places either. This lovely trait is something I have been quite nervous about. I knew when John said he had the call to be a pastor that it meant I better get used to big crowds.
Tonight was great. I got to interact with people in a smaller setting than the normal Sunday sized group. It made me feel at home in our church. I am really getting to know people and people are starting to get to know us. This supper club experience is just one of the many reasons I feel super blessed to be a part of our church.
Love the "husband edits". :-)