It is that lovely time again for our family. Garage cleaning is not what I would call our favorite chore. In fact, it is a time when John and I don't get along well. Something about me putting on my "bossy" pants and deciding to get rid of all our possessions makes for a hostile situation. Go figure.
John loves reading. Always has and always will. He loves books: the way they smell, feel, look, the whole thing, which is why he doesn't own an electronic reader. I think he prefers learning whatever it is he is learning from the pages of book rather than the glow of an LED screen. I respect this notion, I really do. I love my husband's love of books and reading. It is, however, becoming a bit of a logistical problem. He wants to keep all these books for our "someday" library. I too want our own mini library. I mean, I haven't read any of the books in his library, but I think it will make the whole house look smart if we have all those books displayed. It's the moving of these books that is causing trouble. There are just so many and they are just so heavy. They take up space, collect dust, and require extra time to move. So when garage cleaning comes around you can bet this is a conversation we have. Every time.
The other conversation/heated discussion we frequently have when garage cleaning is the matter of "stuff" or sentimental items. Thankfully we have each tried to meet somewhere in the middle and are beginning to get somewhere on this topic. I'm not a heartless person, I just don't like stuff. I don't like clutter, nick-nacks, or other various collectible items. Anything that has to be dusted, forget it. I have managed to condense much of my childhood and high school into one plastic box. John enjoys the memories and likes to collect certain things. My sister, who lives with us, has been a wonderful help in the garage cleaning, and acts as a great third party in times like this.
It's my minimalist attitude versus John's sentimental side. We are getting there. He has taught me it is important to have things that remind us of special events and collections add character to a home, tell people who we are. I think I have taught him that photos also help in remembering important events and clearing out some of that "stuff" clears the mind and makes us feel better. John will be the one someday to have a collection of our kids' art work, cards, awards, etc and I will be the one that will keep us from needing a mansion and 3 storage units to contain all the miscellaneous scraps of many lives.
So next time we clean the garage the task might be easier and faster, though I seriously doubt it. It's these events that make me want to pull my hair out during, but laugh later.
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